Friday / Currently

Secret fishing spot off of Lake Jesup. Lot's o' gators in those waters...

Loving:  homemade quick strawberry jam, recipe to come.
Listening: Georgia White
Reading (blog alert): the Aura Joon archives. Probably my all time favorite blog, even though she stopped posting a few years ago (link in the sidebar).
Food (craving):  again, homemade strawberry jam. This stuff is seriously good. 
Home front:  two words - white orchids. 
Wanting: to network this blog better.
Needing: to start juicing, take more photos, write more...
Wishing: I'll get back to you on this one.
Looking forward to: the weekend, smoking some turkey legs and cold beer 
Thankful for: friends that have the ability to make you laugh on the tough days

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